Kidney Bean Roast
Kidney Bean Roast can be served hot with potatoes and vegetables or cold with salads--delicious either way!
Kidney Bean Roast or loaf has made the rounds among family and friends for years. This particular recipe was passed on to me by another dear friend, Marilyn who is an excellent cook.Kidney beans are not a favourite of mine unless they are in something like a chili or salad. This tasty loaf disguises the unloved bean and I can eat it without turning up my nose or muttering nasty remarks under my breath. It's really quite tasty. I wouldn't make it or post about it if I didn't like it.
You'll notice there aren't any herbs or spices, apart from the onion soup or bouillon powder. The garlic powder is miniscule so add more if you wish and kick it up with your favourite herbs or spices. I think a little chili powder and chopped sweet pepper would go well but I'd top it with salsa instead of the sweet ketchup. I kind of like it the way it is as I like the sweet topping but I'm sure you'll add your own touches to this roast and make it your own.
The only strange ingredient in this roast is the vegetarian Worcestershire sauce. This can be hard to find but you may be able to find it at a health food store if it's not available at your local supermarket. I actually found mine at a dollar store. But not to worry, you can substitute a steak sauce or even soy sauce in its place. Of course, if you're not vegetarian, and not serving this to vegetarians, use the regular Worcestershire sauce.
Kidney Bean Roast is especially good served cold with beet or mustard potato salads or macaroni salads and is excellent in sandwiches.
Printable recipe at end of post.
Kidney Bean Roast- 1 -19 fl. oz can kidney beans, mashed fine
- 1 large onion
- 1 or 2 tablespoons oil or butter
- 1 cup grated carrot
- 1 - 1 ½ cups bread crumbs
- 2 eggs
- ½ - 1 cup grated cheese
- 2 tablespoons onion soup mix or 2 tablespoons vegetable bouillon powder
- 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce (vegetarian) or steak sauce or soy sauce
- Pinch of garlic powder
- ⅓ cup ketchup
- 2 tablespoons brown sugar
Drain and rinse kidney beans. Place the kidney beans in a large bowl and mash as fine as you can get them. I find a pastry blender does a great job.
Peel and dice the onion and sautè in the oil until soft and translucent. Add the shredded carrots and let cook for 1 or 2 minutes to soften. Mix onions and carrots with the mashed kidney beans. Add the remaining ingredients, excluding to topping. Mix well and pack into the prepared dish. Mix the ketchup and brown sugar together and spread over the top of the roast.
Bake at 350 degrees for 35-40 minutes.
*As an alternative to the ketchup and brown sugar topping, ⅓-½ cup of barbeque sauce can be used.
Mash the rinsed kidney beans. I like to use a pastry blender because kidney beans have tough skins which are hard to mash with a fork. The pastry blender cuts through the tough skin easily. I don't mash the bean too finely because I like a chunkier texture.

Mix the remaining ingredients together with the kidney beans, onions and carrots. Pack into the prepared dish. Stir the ketchup and brown sugar together and spread on the roast. Bake for 35-40 minutes.
I like the kidney beans left a little chunky. I don't like mushy texture in a roast.
Perfect served cold with Beet Salad.
Delicious hot, served with mashed potatoes and vegetables.
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