Lima Bean Salad

Lima Bean Salad

Lima Bean Salad isn't a dainty, no-calorie, all lettuce salad. Full of beans, eggs, cheese and a few vegetables it's a hearty dinner or supper salad that can stand alone or can be served as a side-dish with a lighter meal.

Lima beans certainly weren't one of my favourite foods growing up. I'd turn my nose up over my head at the mere mention of them.  It would be the worst day of my life if Mom decided to serve them at supper.  I'd almost gag when eating them.  Funny how tastes change. I really like Lima beans now.  I don't love them, but I do like them.  I particularly like them in soup but every now and then I serve them as a side dish or in a salad.

Some years ago I came across a recipe for Hunter's Salad.  Now, what in the world is that, you may ask.  When I think of a hunter I think of some kind of game meat--deer, moose, etc. But this salad doesn't have any wild game in it as you might think. It has beans.  I don't know where the name came from unless it was eaten by very unlucky hunters, ha, ha.  I just call it Lima Bean Salad because that's the main ingredient.

Before you make the salad cook, drain and dry off the beans.  The beans must be dry or the salad dressing will become runny and thin. If you cannot buy frozen Lima beans use canned beans. There are about 2¼ cups of Lima beans in a frozen package if you'd like the same amount of canned beans.

Printable recipe at end of post.
Lima Bean Salad
  • 1 -300 gram package frozen Lima beans, cooked, drained and dried, cooled to room temperature or colder or canned Lima beans, rinsed, drained and dried
  • 1 cup chopped celery
  • 1 cup cheddar cheese, diced
  • 3 hard boiled eggs, cut into wedges or roughly chopped
  • 1 small sweet onion, (about ½ cup) thinly sliced and separated into rings
  • ½ cup sliced radishes
  • 1 teaspoon salt (or to taste)
  • Dash pepper
  • ½ cup real mayonnaise or ranch dressing can be used
  • Grape or Cherry tomatoes for garnish, optional
How to make it:
Prepare all the ingredients as directed in the list above.  Toss together all ingredients with the mayonnaise or dressing until well mixed. Pile into a nice serving dish and chill at least 2 hours before serving to combine the flavours.  

Makes 4 dinner/supper salads or 6-8 side-dish servings.

Frozen Lima beans have a nicer flavour and colour than their canned cousins.  But if you can't purchase the frozen beans you'll still have a delicious salad using the canned beans.

Thoroughly dry the Lima beans.  You don't want diluted, runny dressing.

Prepare all the ingredients and get ready to combine everything together.  I cut the eggs into wedges but a rough chop will be just as good.

Combine all ingredients with the mayonnaise or dressing. 

 I added the eggs at the last so they wouldn't get overly crushed.

Place the salad in a nice serving dish or bowl.  If you wish, garnish with cherry or grape tomatoes.  I saved out half a boiled egg for garnish, as well.  Cover and chill a couple of hours before serving.

Lima Bean Salad
Lima Bean Salad make a nice light meal with a serving of tomatoes and a whole grain dinner roll.

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